Early labor

I’ve been having early labor for days and I’m at a point where I just want to cry my eyes out. On Monday I was having contractions 2-4 minutes apart for HOURS but wasn’t progressing enough so they sent me home. Ever since then I’ve lost my whole disgusting mucus plug and have been in so much pain. Contractions, pressure. All of it. Last night I was contracting even more painful every 6-8 minutes and I was shaking and nauseous.. then it stopped. This morning I had pink blood in my mucus and I’m still having painful irregular contractions. I was checked yesterday and I’m 4cm , 80% effaced (as of Monday, I forgot to ask him if that’s changed) and baby is -1 station. I’m supposed to get induced Sunday at exactly 39 weeks but I am in so much pain and there is so much pressure I can barely walk. I want to just go in and have them break my water to get this going because I’m losing my mind. Someone help me :(