Measuring ahead


So I had my check up the other day, and my doctor looks at me and says oh wow, you are all baby! She said “ let me feel your stomach “ so she felt my stomach and said oh yes you are all baby and he already feels so big. Hence I’m only 33 weeks and 5 days but was 33 weeks and 3 days that day. So she says let me measure your belly, and says I’m measuring a tad bit ahead which was only a cm which is normal. But, just to be on the safe side when I go back in 2 weeks their gonna do a growth scan and if he is bigger than what he should be measuring then we’re gonna start talking about inducing me at 39 weeks since I’ve been having so many issues with this pregnancy. Plus my first born son was 8 pounds and big babies run in my husbands family. My husband was a 9’pounder almost 10 and his uncle was 13 pounds 😳