Positive opk 3 days in a row?

Kristy • Married the love of my life🤵🏻👰🏻4/21/18. Lost our angel baby at 11 weeks👼🏻 12/6/18. Had my rainbow baby boy👶🏻 3/27/20. Lost our 2nd angel baby boy at 21W3D 6/3/2022 👼🏻. Pregnant with rainbow baby #2.

Ok so this might be a little long so please bear with me but I could really use some advice ladies.

I had a miscarriage in December. My levels took a long time to go down but in early April, I finally got the ok from my doctor to try again. Right after my period that month, I started experiencing spotting like I hadn’t before. The spotting threw off my cycle a lot and so I’ve had a lot of issues tracking my ovulation and period.

Last month I had an especially hard time <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>. I had what looked like a close positive one day and the next day it was a lot fainter. I felt really sick and was drinking a lot of seltzer water. My urine was really diluted so I attributed the faint opk to that. Hubby and I did the deed a lot but I ended up getting my period earlier than expected.

During that cycle, a rather large piece of tissue came out. (Freaked me out to the point where I thought I had another miscarriage but all the pregnancy tests came back negative). Ever since then, I haven’t had any issues with spotting so I guess that tissue is the reason why I spotted.

I’ve been tracking my ovulation again and I’m so happy to say that I am definitely getting dark positives. But now I’m a little confused. I got my first positive on Thursday. Friday was my expected ovulation day and I got another positive. Today I expected the test to be lighter but it still looks dark.

My question is when did I ovulate? Am I still ovulating? Hubby and I already did the deed Thursday and Friday but should we do it again? Is this a good sign that I could get pregnant this month? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

Below are the pictures of my opks

Thursday 5/30

Friday 5/31

Today 6/1