I think my depression is coming back... or it's never left and it's getting worse.


Please tell me i'm not alone... if you judge me, that's fine.

I'm over it... I'm tired... My soul is tired.

My partner has become extremely needy, and it's been so hard to try look after myself, the house, my baby and my partner all at the same time. I'm always in a dressing gown, and i wake up, i'm not excited for the day... ever. When my baby cries i roll my eyes and sigh and get up to tend to him, i have no romamtic feelings, empathy or sympathy for my partner... (he's very negative towards everything in life, so that's probably why...) i'm always getting spoken to like a child, i have NO sex drive STILL, haven't since i was about 8 weeks pregnant... i have so much fucking laundry to do and everyday i say i'm going to do it, but i don't... i feel so detatched towards everything and everyone... i've started letting my baby cry for a little bit because i just can't handle it anymore... i have to force myself to smile at him the last couple of days... it's not him, it's me... i need a change... i need something different. I'm not happy in my relationship, i'm not happy in myself, i'm not happy with where i live... it's a beautiful day where i am, but i'm not happy. I'm miserable. I'm grateful for all that i have, but i'm not... happy.