Csection or ECV?


I have to go have an ultrasound done twice a week to check on baby and fluid. He's huge and I have excess fluid. The last 2 scans, he was breech. I'm 35+5 and will be 36 weeks at my next scan. When I saw the doctor, he said I have the option of either scheduling a csection or he can try to manually flip the baby (ECV.) I asked him what the chances of the baby going back to the breech position and having to have a csection anyway and he said 'well, it's a swimming pool in there so its definitely a possibility.'

So my question is, should I just take the csection route? Has anyone had the ECV done and it was successful? My doctor said even if we schedule the csection, he's had women come in only to find that the baby was head down and they were able to deliver vaginally. Not really sure which avenue to take. My first baby was a vaginally delivery and thats what I had hoped for this time. The thought of a csection and trying to heal afterward with a toddler and newborn is kinda scary. Any advice would be super helpful!