Not feeling ready

Anyone else feel completely unready? With our first I had everything set up and ready before my 30 weeks now I'm 32 weeks pregnant with our second (boy) and nothing feels ready. We have all our daughters stuff (stroller, carseat, playpen, breast pump, bottles) but since our daughter won't even be 2 i really want to get a double stroller or at least a baby carrier. It just feels like my fiance is dragging his feet pushing it off. We have zero diapers. Maybe 5 outfits total. We have like no clothes for him. No swing. No second camera for our monitor. Nada. Our daughter came 39 weeks exactly and this baby has measured 1 week ahead the whole pregnancy. I'm just so nervous we won't be ready. We were gonna have a baby shower but the person that offered keeps dragging her feet pushing it off too and I feel like it's not gonna happen and we need to buy stuff like NOW. I'm panicking hard. If I go into labor right now we'd literally have to rush to get things together. Which means I will have to because my fiance will just push it off to me. Plus he just got into a health kick (which I support) but he spent 100 on just clothes to work out and another 50 for a membership but I can't get him to let me buy baby clothes. I'm just so nervous about. I'm panicking. He keeps saying not to cause what if we have the baby shower and people get us that stuff. Im like WAKE UP we're most likely not having one. Like ugh.