Intense connection to a guy I’m not with! Why?


Ok so there is this guy that I feel this unexplainably intense connection to. Its such an intense pull, both sexual and mental, and I don’t understand why or how because we don’t even talk! Backstory: when I was a young teen, at the beginning of high school, I was extremely into this guy but it was one sided. Then a few years later he was into me and I didn’t see him that way, but eventually I liked him too and we started hooking up but I was too scared to show him how I really felt so it never went deeper than that. Eventually he was an asshole to me so I stopped talking to him even though I was incredibly infatuated with him. Now it’s been 2 years and we talk very very rarely like 3 times in this year, but I feel an immensely strong pull towards him. I absolutely can’t describe it but I have this crazy desire for him even though we don’t talk at all and he has a girlfriend. I’ve liked and been with multiple people since him, but it feels like a part of me will always be deeply infatuated with him and i feel like something will eventually happen between us even though I logically know this is highly unlikely. Can someone explain to me why I might feel this intense connection?? I feel like it’s something to do with ferramones or maybe even something spiritual I don’t even know but I’ve never felt this way about someone in my life...

Edit; I also have no intention of pursuing him because he is taken. Which is another reason why I’m confused about this connection