Help! New mommy stressing out

Sarah • Married. Daughter of the most high King 🤴 Mama to the most beautiful little boy ever 💕

I am 33 weeks pregnant and 1 day. I had to switch doctors pretty late in the game because I had to move due to my husband’s job. Well today I had an appointment with my new doctor. & she told me she looked at my results from my Gestational Diabetes test ( the one my last doctor told me was normal) and said it was borderline & that I probably do have it now and that’s why my baby is growing so big already. Found out today he is already 6lbs and 6oz. I’m really tripping myself out. & thinking worst case scenarios. Please help calm me down. I have no clue anything about gestational diabetes & am stressing myself out big time. She prescribed me a glucometer and I have to check my blood sugar levels 4 times a day for the next week, and then go back next Tuesday for another appointment..

What happens if I do have gestational diabetes? Is my baby going to be okay?