Uterine Septum - Anyone else experience a pregnancy with this?


I am officially 8w5d and had my first ultrasound today. Our little bean is developing well and had a heart rate of 167. 😊

I did discover at our appointment that I have a uterine septum, meaning my uterus is divided into 2 sections. I do not believe it is a complete septum though. The baby is growing on the left side, and based on a previous successful pregnancy, how far along I am, my health, age, etc., my doctor believes I have a less than 1% chance of miscarrying at this stage; however, I am at risk of preterm labor. They want to start bi-weekly ultrasounds at 16 weeks to measure cervical length and keep an eye on things until I deliver.

Has anyone else experienced a pregnancy with a uterine septum? Did you feel any different? Did you deliver early, on time, etc.? Any complications? I'm not too concerned at this point, but was curious to hear from others.

Here's a picture of the little bean!