3 hour test


I have my 3 hour test on Monday and I have to carbo load for 3 days before the test. So the orders were, eat normal plus 3 high carb snacks a day (a bagel, 2 pieces of toast, etc.)

I’m the worst pregnant lady, I feel sooo full that eating is a physical struggle sometimes. For example, this morning I had a breakfast sandwich (2 pieces of bread, egg, spinach, tomato and cheese) I’m suppose to eat a high carb snack before lunch but I physically don’t feel like I can consume anymore food. For lunch I’m for e feeding my self pasta in hopes to compensate for the snack maybe I’ll be hungrier at night 🤷🏻‍♀️.

I don’t want to have issues with this test bc I didn’t prepare.

Anyone else have to take the 3 hour test? Did you have to eat your body weight in carbs too?