My birth story of my sweet little 4 day old

Shelly • Mama to 👦🏼 Jesse 6/4/19 & 👶🏻 Jameson 3/11/22

I was scheduled to get induced on Monday night at 7pm when I was 40+2. That day I had pretty painful cramping but they were spaced apart about every 15 minutes so I was just trying to tolerate the pain until 7. Around 6pm I went into the bathroom to pee and when I tried to get up I couldn’t I was in so much pain. My boyfriend grabbed all the bags, my dad had to hold me and put me in the car, and we decided to show up a little early for the induction! When I got to the hospital I got checked and was 4cm dilated and 100% effaced. Obviously the induction wasn’t needed and she wanted to break my water and get this moving but baby was still too high up. She decided to start me on pitocin which I was already scared about since my body loves to contract. Once she started me on it I had a 5 minute long contraction and she had to immediately shut it off and flush out my body with an IV of fluid. After that she said I could have the epidural, which wasn’t painful to me at all, then let me labor on my own. I labored on my own until about 4am the next morning when I reached 10cm. So roughly around 9 hours of labor which I was proud of! I was still getting 5-6 minute contractions some of the time though which really exhausted my body and the nurse told me it’s really rare for people to have long ones, especially those long of ones 😳. So around 4am when it was time to push I was really feeling it. I pushed for maybe an hour and a half and she told me baby was in a weird position, he’d change, but it would probably take some time. After another hour went by of straight pushing I had a breakdown. I told them I could do it and was begging for help. Babies heart rate kept dropping and I had to have oxygen throughout the remainder of the delivery. The anesthesiologist also came in and had to up and top off the epidural to try and give me some relief. I kind of zoned out for 30 minutes and when I came to they told me I had to push. I push hard for about another hour and my sweet boy finally decided to make his entrance after 5 hours of pushing. Born 8 lbs. 2 oz. measuring 21 inches at 9am 6/4/19 my Jesse Lee is the love of my life and worth every minute of it.