Weight loss


So PHEW girl I’ve been gaining weight🤦🏻‍♀️ 40 since middle school started. I know it’s normal to gain weight when puberty hits but this is too much. I gained to be 120 pounds in 6th grade I was 5’2 now that is a good weight. My stomach was flat and my legs were a lil squishy but I looked good. In 7th grade i gained 20 pounds. (But then I lost 10 pounds in the same year) In Eighth grade I gained 15 pounds. And now summer just started and I’ve already gained 5 pounds😭 (I only got 3 inches taller so don’t blame it on my height)

I NEED someone to encourage me to eat less. I don’t feel so bad about my body and that’s what I hate. I already know where I look best and I’m trying to go back to that. Pls don’t send me excuses or “your body is beautiful” because I’m really trying to loose weight and that will not help