Baby Nora came early!


Have a little downtime and while it’s not super crazy, it’s still shareable. So I get out on leave by my husband and work due to having some contractions and being an hour away from the birth center due to traffic a month early. I’m not happy about it and at 36 weeks wanted the baby out of me. I did not have this joyous pregnancy and am so happy to finally have my daughter and get my body back. So turns out this is just a false alarm but I am told I’m 80% effaced and 1.5-2cm dilated. Great! She’s coming I think. No, she wasn’t. So I ask my dr if I can be induced earlier than we had scheduled (3 days post due date) so I don’t lose all my time waiting for her to get here. I’m told no but mentioned that I hadn’t felt 10 kicks all day and was told to go to L&D. This is 37w1d. So I go in, baby monitored, everything is good. The next day, I have the sizing ultrasound to determine if I need a c-section since I got gestational diabetes and she was measuring full term a month prior. I have diarrhea the night before out of nowhere. I’m like cool, no plug, no water so it’s just instead of being constipated I’m just shitting my brains out now (I alternated between these two states for a couple of weeks, joy). At about 4:30am I get up to pee and just have the worst lower back pain. I deal with it and try to get some sleep since my husband and I are headed to the ultrasound for 11:30am. We wake up, have sex which is just annoying for me since I’m too big to move much and it’s quick so Just meh. Time comes to leave, I’m in a shitty mood, my husband and I are bickering and I’m driving to the appointment because I’m stubborn af and said I’m fine. There’s no parking, it’s 11:27am, I’m anxious and going to be late and frustrated with the old man creeping through the parking garage in front of me. I can’t find my phone but we can hear it. We are bickering about where it is because I’m now late and frustrated. Finally a parking spot! Still annoyed and bickering about where my phone is, I get out do the car to look for it. I can’t find it, my husband comes around to reach and I shit you not my water breaks right there. I’m the parking garage of the hospital. I panic. It’s dripping down my legs. We waddle to L&D instead of the radiology department. No contractions but pouring water. Hubs is like “at least we were at the right place and let’s confirm first we’ve had a few false alarms” 😂 I’m literally dripping there. L&D gets us checked in and tell me there not sure if they can send me home. I’m like “my water broke, I’m not going home, induce me”. Due to the GD they can’t send me home anyway so yay! I get an epidural once we are moved to the labor room. Holy hell that hurt. I sleep through most of the night and am apparently contracting away. 4:30am, I wake up with the worst pain ever! I’m shivering and shaking and my husband thinks I’m having a seizure. They give me more meds and I puke. I get checked at 5am, 9cm. At 7:30am they come in to check on me. The epidural is so strong I can’t move my legs and being on my back makes me vomit. I’m puking and they go to check me. They open my legs “her heads coming out, ready to have a baby?” I’m in disbelief. I decline feeling her head with my hand. My husband is like “whoa”! They tell me to take a deep breath and push. I do. They tell me to do this 3 times. Nora Grace is born at 7:49am with essentially what they equate to 1 big push and my husband and I have tears of joy. So that’s it. I’m no longer pregnant. We went home the day after she was born. And life is wonderful.