Advice please!

So lately I've been thinking I might be a lesbian. I'm 21 and I've been bounching all around eith my sexuality (and gender) since I was 11. But the main sexuality I keep going back to is lesbian. Like, it's the one that keeps feeling right, but I'm just not sure.

I'm not sure because my "official" relationships have all been with men, but I've dated and been more girls and enby people than guys. Well my "official" relationships have always been totaly disasters and I always feel so "meh" in them. But, I also have a baby with my current boyfriend/fiance. We already have a lot of issues that I won't get into. And I'm just not happy with him.

But anyways, on top of this, (sorry this part is embarassing lol) I'll read fanfiction with m/f relationships and also reader inserts with male partners and I enjoy them.

So my question is, does this mean I couldn't be a lesbian because I sorta barely have attractions to guys at times?

Like, they're really not strong attractions at all. Just "hey he's cute" and I think I have a fear of openly dating a woman because even though my family is very accepting of the LGBT+ community, they still have their moments and have said some lesbophobic things before.

Anyways! Thanks for reading my rambling and I would really appreciate any comments!