Trying to get pregnant


Hi ladies,

I see most of you are if not all are pregnant and I just wanted to see what time of scale did it happen?

If I’m honest we are not 100% trying and taking it seriously but we aren’t using protection and believe it will happen when it does. I came off the pill in December because it drove me crazy with major PMS we used other methods (pull out) but we’ve been together a long time and have spoken about the possibilities of it happening and are open to it. I believe stress can delay it so we are just carrying on as normal except I am secretly thinking hmmm I wonder how long. As any woman does I’m over thinking. I am over weight 250lbs and I am considering losing weight before it really comes a problem. I’m 29, not smoke drink every now and again I’m not really lazy I just love savoury food. I will diet after my holiday as I don’t want to be in this stage in my 30s.