I hate breastfeeding


Does anyone else hate it? I have a lactation consultant coming Tuesday so I’m hoping that will help. It’s been almost a month and about half of the time, I so genuinely hate it.

I hate how long it takes, I hate fighting with him to move his hands out of the way, I hate trying to get his mouth to open wide enough and latch correctly. I hate how he comes off and unlatches and then we need to go through the whole hand ordeal all over again. I hate when he moves his mouth midlatch and kills my nipples. Or gets tired and lazy and his latch kills my nipples again. I hate how he doesn’t eat until he’s full, so he stops, we burp, and then 15 minutes later he’s crying again because he’s hungry and I have to get all set up to feed him again. I don’t understand how I’ll ever breastfeed him in public because of what a process it is. I hate how giving him a bottle can take 10 minutes but I could be stuck feeding him for well over an hour because he won’t eat until he’s full.

He eventually does latch ok and is gaining weight and doing great. So, I hate to give up and go to just pumping. But, I’m really not feeling the whole magic behind this that everyone seems to talk about. Other than his cute face looking up at me and the faces he makes when he’s faking me out pretending he’s full, I don’t find any of the other aspects enjoyable. Is this normal? 😕