Ejaculation on birth control 😨🧐


So I have taken my combination birth control (microgynon 30) since last July. Haven’t missed a pill in the last couple of months and always take it between 8:30 and 9:30 pm.

And so the “story” goes as so:

I decided to skip my period last month by starting a fresh pill pack right when the previous was finished.

Last night, my boyfriend and I decided its okay for him to cum in me (I was on top).

This morning I’m a little worried it was a bad idea. We only every used condoms and the pill, so this was the first time he came inside. I know there’s always chances no matter what and although we’re in a long term loving relationship it’s not a right time for a baby.

I guess I’m looking either for reassurance that I’m protected or advice that just in case I should buy some emergency contraceptive today.