5 weeks 5 days yolk sac but no fetal pole is that normal?


I’m 5 weeks 5 days according to the app and I ended up in the ER yesterday with severe abdominal pain which turned out to be two pretty large cysts on my left ovary. There’s concern for torsion of my ovary but so far everything looks okay. The dr says they should resolve on their own. They did an ultrasound and saw a gestational sac and yolk sac but no fetal pole. The ER said it’s just too early but of course I’m worried. My hcg looked good at 15,918 which is more than double my beta from a couple of days ago. I haven’t had any bleeding but only mild symptoms so far. Mild cramping, some heartburn here and there, frequent ruination, serious bloating, sore breasts which seem less sore now than they did at first and very fatigued. I’ve had a miscarriage before and two biochemicals so I’m just so worried. I go back next week and I’m praying they see the little embryo.