Rainbow baby!


5w 3d so far! I’ve had three miscarriages and I never make it past four weeks because of low progesterone and hcg. I’m on progesterone IM injections which I started immediately when I found out. Very sore breasts, frequent urination, cramping anywhere between subtle and light to one sided and sharp, I’m also EXHAUSTED and I get queasy off and on and gag a lot, bloated and gassy 🙈 my first hcg was 101 on 6/10 then 226 on 6/12 and I’m impatiently waiting for my 6/14 draw results. My progesterone was 32.6 so I’m very happy with that! I’ve never made it this far with so much to go but I’m so nervous and scared. Prayers, good vibes are SO welcomed.