Morning sickness causing depression


Just needing to let it all out:

Currently feeling about like I did in my first trimester. Extreme exhaustion, and morning sickness. For the past couple weeks I started getting the strong aversion to smells again. Today I'm throwing up again. I don't feel as bad as I did the first trimester but it seems to get worse with every passing day 😭 I threw up multiple times a day almost every day until 22 weeks. Had a blissful break from it, with just the very seldom bad days. Now at 32+4 it seems to be coming back to stay... I'm just sooo ready to hold my little man in my arms and have this part of it all behind me. People don't understand why I won't make plans to do anything with them, and act like I'm just making excuses. They seriously don't understand how exhausted I stay and how sick I feel. I'm just hoping and praying I can make it to my baby shower Thursday. 😫 I always wanted a big family, but I'm not sure what the future holds now after being so sick. I don't have family close by to help with a toddler if we decided to have another one in a couple years. If I'm as sick with another as I have been with this one, I don't see how I could care for my toddler, I can hardly take care of myself, much less my house! 😔 This morning sickness crap is so depressing and doesn't help with feeling isolated.