Sick During Second Trimester


My best friend is 14 weeks pregnant. She’s had morning sickness since very early in the pregnancy. With her first child, there was no morning sickness at all so this is a new area for her. She’s in her second trimester and is still vomiting daily. She doesn’t feel sick, but she will eat something and then randomly throw it up a few moments after. Sometimes it comes with a lightheaded feeling. It’s really taking a toll on her. She’s even lost a few pounds, which her doctor did not express any concerns about at her last appointment. I know sickness is a normal part of some pregnancies, but for her to still be sick every day in the second trimester sounds more abnormal. Her next appointment is a week away, so she’s going to talk to her doctor about what’s going on then. I’m just here wondering if any other women have had similar experiences and if you all have any ideas as to what is going on?