7 weeks and bleeding

I started spotting brown on 6/8. Had an ultrasound on 6/10 and baby was measuring at 6w1d with a heartbeat of 117. The bleeding started getting heavier but mainly still brown so I called my doctor who had me come in on 6/14. Ultrasound said 6w5days and heartbeat of 143. They said I had a subchorionic hemorrhage that was about 2 CM. They also said the gestational sac was measuring too small for the baby (the baby literally took up almost the entire sac. Now I am continuing to bleed only it’s heavier and much more red. When I Pee the blood drips into the toilet. Not as heavy as a period but not just spotting. I have some mild cramping as well. I have another doctors appointment this Thursday and am preparing myself for miscarriage news. There are too many things working against me (low HCG at 3300 drawn at 6 weeks and not doubling), the small gestational sac, hemorrhage and bleeding, and I know the baby is measuring a week behind as I know when I ovulated. 😢if I’m miscarrying I wish it would just happen so I could move on.