trying to go vegan , any tips ?


i really want to go vegan ,, or at least cut down on a lot of unnecessary shit like single use plastics , makeup brands that aren’t cruelty free , or junk foods that have a lot of animal products . i also want to start eating more proteins like nuts ( or anything else ? i can’t think of anything with lots of protein that isn’t eggs or meat ) and eating less meat until i can either find a healthy balance or cut off meat completely .

another thing is that i’m only sixteen , i live with my parents and everytime i’ve mentioned going vegan they almost like ,, make fun of me ? idk how to really explain it but it’s really stunted my progression , i’ve been considering this for about 8 months and haven’t really done anything about it because i don’t feel confident ..

i know i’m not going to change the world by trying to go vegan , i just know i’ll feel healthier and like a better person .. feel free to respond with tips , foods i should be eating , good makeup / skincare / hair care brands or products , and of course anything else !