Anyone ...

I just want someone to hear me out and under stand me or just care about me or my situation for just a second. Bringing my little love into this world where I already am not respected as the mother hurts me ... why does everyone see me as a weak person I’ve been through so much on my own that I thought having a partner that seemed to care at least for the baby would be sufficient and I’d finally give my baby a happy family. I’ll never be loved or cared for as I dream of but my baby has no fault. I know I could do it alone but why did the cycle have to continue for this life. What am I doing wrong? Why can’t I be loved correctly. My baby is my Alegría (Joy) and I want to become the best but as easy as it’s said then done I can’t seem to get out of this mess in my head and reality. I wish I had my mother to just run to and hug when I’m down or sisters to talk to or the father of my baby to tell me that everything will be ok and my baby won’t go through what I’m feeling. I don’t want to cry to sleep every night asking why I’m this way. I know my baby feels everything ... sometimes I feel like God has left my side