Bisexual Catholic

I’m a 14 year old Bisexual Catholic. I need some place to rant and I trust only my sisters in blood (😂). I’ve known for about 8 months. It’s been very hard for me because I was raised in a very Catholic family (not extreme). Now I’ve been taught agenst homosexualness and I’ve been taught by the Bible that if I’m gay I will go to hell but I don’t know if that’s true. That’s will make coming out to my parents difficult (but ik they will love me anyway). It’s so hard because I don’t know if I should choose God over me. If I choose God I will be denying my whole second half witch it so difficult to not deal with. And especially at my age I start to want a partner and I want a girlfriend so bad. Inshort, I don’t know what my morels are so that makes accepting me and God so difficult. Can anyone give advice on how to deal with this?

(I’m sorry this paragraph was sort of jumbled)