Hectic Teenage Life

So me and this guy have been dating for like a month then we broke and he got with someone else but then we got back together then we broke up again. So now that we are broke up it’s hard we’ve had a couple altercations of him wanting me back then me wanting him back and he had a girlfriend during all three of those altercations and still never broke up with her. me and his other girlfriends (he had them at different times and it was 2 of them) never got along because they knew he still we still liked each other and knew we were still texting. i tried to move on but ever time i think i do i realize i didn’t because he texts me or someone else does and tells me he still wants me and when i try to get a new boyfriend we are happy for like a week then i realize there not him and i decide to break it off and i just don’t know what to do because i still want him🤕😞(he is my first love).