Beyond STRESSED at work


I’m physically disabled and pregnant at the moment, and my job is stressing me out a lot. I’ve been discriminated against at my job, blamed for others mistakes, and I constantly feel like I’m going to be fired, because I feel like my managers don’t want me working there. My managers give me a talking about every 2 weeks over something that they don’t like or is trivial. I feel like they are out to get me. And the thing is I’m misclassified as an Independent Contractor, when I should be classified as an employee. So I have no rights really. I’m only keeping this job for the money. They don’t even know I’m pregnant at the moment, and I’m starting to show. There have been plenty of times I want to put my 2 weeks notice in, but haven’t because I’m going to have this baby and need to save money. I just don’t know what to do anymore.