Gender ultrasound right before 15 weeks....

Annelise • Mom of 5

So on Monday I was 14+5 and we went to a private ultrasound place that was absolutely amazing. It took awhile to get baby to cooperate and move around lol. But finally she got a good pic. We found out we are having our first girl. I’m so over the moon about it because I have two boys from my previous marriage and he has a son from a previous relation. However I feel myself in denial. Like there is no way I’m having a baby girl. Idk why I feel like this. But then I started reading some posts on here about early scans being wrong and then finding out at their anatomy scan...... mine is in 4 weeks. But now I’m wondering is there any chance she was wrong about the gender? She said I was far enough long to definitely tell and she didn’t have any doubts otherwise. I have two boys and it was super noticeable but that was at 20weeks. But I don’t see the 3 lines everyone talks about for girls. Or am I just freaking myself out?