I need prayers


Ok, I had an ultrasound done earlier I’m currently 22 weeks & 4 days with a baby girl. My doctor said that she was gonna make me another doctors appointment to the doctors office in the next town over because they couldn’t see my baby right kidney & by me having ms they label me as high risk. So they are gonna send me there so they can give me another ultrasound to see if she has a right kidney. The doctor had also said my baby was being stubborn so that could be it because the way she was laying they couldn’t see. Then my doctor also said her head was measuring 21 weeks. The doctor told me this could be also that my baby was being stubborn today and that they couldn’t get good measurements. I am freaking out. I’ve being crying because it just scares the hell out of me to think of my baby having 1 kidney or any other thing being wrong with her. I’m praying that all this is just because she was being stubborn today. I really just need prayers. I’m trying to stay positive but I’ve just been having it on my mind.