College help


Hello my name is Monica and I am thinking of majoring in nursing . Some info about myself I graduated high school with an associates degree of science from the same community college trying to get into their program . I went to seek advisement for the program and I left feeling more discouraged to continue my education than before . My advisor spoke to me in a demeaning tone and was not interested in helping me or getting to know me as a student. I have 5 pre requisites before I am eligible to apply for the program . I will be knocking two out this summer and fall semester . My college does 8 week courses rather than 16 weeks . She began to imply that I am not cut out to be a nurse because I was not comfortable taking 2 courses in an 8 week period while also working as a registrar at hospital . I really wanted to smart back at her . I graduated hs with a college degree at 18 years old while also working 26 hours and being an active hs band member and trying to have a life and maintaining a 3.7GPA and graduating with High honors both schools and being in honor societies each semester balancing 6 college courses and 2 hour band practices . I am now questioning if she’s right ? What if I’m not good enough to be a nursing student ? The only reason I’m not comfortable taking 2 courses in an 8 week term is because the school just now made that transition I have not experienced it myself & im starting a new job at the hospital which they will not be as flexible as a fast food chain . I’m trying to figure out if I should try fighting through . Can someone please talk to me about this ? Most of my friends don’t even know if they want to go to college at. All