BC & Weight


So I have the Nexplanon arm implant & im getting it changed out sometime next month. I feel as if it’s what’s causing me to plateau in my weight loss journey. I gained about 15 pounds when I was with my ex & afterwards I got on birth control & gained another 30 ish pounds. I’ve only been able to lose about 10-15 pounds while on it & I can’t seem to lose anymore no matter how much I work out or eat better.

Has anyone had any similar experiences? The only reason why I would be hesitant to take it out is because I don’t know the next time I’ll have sex & I don’t always feel comfortable with condoms (I know it’s bad but they do sting) & I probably have endometriosis as it runs in the family so I’m worried about not being able to function because my birth control helped with it & I don’t have any medication to take to ease the pain or other symptoms.

Advice TIA, ❤️✨