Rude or not? Am I being petty?

My husband called his friend to wish him happy birthday and his friend asked if we wanted to go out since he had nothing to do for his birthday. We said sure and offered to take him out to dinner for his bday. When we got there we told him to order whatever he wanted he ordered the most expensive thing in the menu steak and lobster $62 ( not a problem we told him order whatever he wants) me and my husband had burgers $14 each. He then order a soda and not 1 not 2 but had 3 cocktails and a beer. (Soda $3, Cocktails $12 each, and beer $8). Ok I know we said order whatever you want but that was a very expensive meal. And no he didn’t offer to pay for any of it. That’s was $109 plus tax just for his. Now probably the most annoying part of it was he filled up on so many drinks he barely ate any of the food and we asked if is getting a box to take it home and he says no he hates left overs. So am I just being petty or was that rude of him?

Edit- I am the complete opposite, if anyone offers to take me out to eat I intentionally look for one of the least expensive things on the menu.