My little guy made his appearance exactly a week ago today. Birth story posted below


A little late posting. My little man made his appearance 6/15 at 39 weeks exactly. Friday 6/14 I went to my regular appt where I was told my blood pressure was up and I’d need to come in sat to deliver. Doctor left out came back and asked if I was ready and packed to go to the hospital Friday that my blood pressure was up and my urine had protein in it. I called my husband and he came home from work and we were in the hospital and hooked up by 2:30 pm. I ended up having a doctor I had never met and never even heard of. He was much older around 80 years old. Turned out that I loved him. He was amazing. So glad God placed him there with me. They started me on magnesium and pitocen! I wasn’t really progressing. Still 1 1/2 dilated. They upped my pitocen. Still didn’t really get much more dilated. Around 4 i got my water broke because they said I was finally dilated to a 3 and that may help me progress. By 4:30 they told me I should try getting the epidural. I got that and then rested some. The doctors said he’d be there after midnight or later. I wasn’t convinced because after my water broke with my oldest son everything went fast. By 8 I told the nurse I’m pretty sure he’s about to fall out of me. Lol she said no. It’s just contractions and pressure. I’m like no I seriously feel like he’s right there I feel like I need to push. She checked me and said oh gosh we need to call the dr. By 8:56 James made his appearance. He was just a tiny little guy! Before was a rough start. Birth was easy hardly any pushes and my uterus pushed him the rest of the way out. But after I bled a ton had to be given a shot and some pills. My doctor massaged me inside and out to stop the bleeding. I then shook uncontrollably for almost 2 hours and ran a high fever. They got me hooked back up to more magnesium and antibiotics after a couple hours I was feeling great again! All worth it. My perfect little man came out looking just like his 7 year old brother did. So blessed! Today at one week little man is 6lbs 2 oz. 💙