What does this look like?!

Okay so I went to the ER two nights ago because this pimple looking thing I’ve had for monthes but didn’t bother me started getting red and inflamed and starting to itch alittle for about a week and then two days ago I noticed two red streaks coming from it, I knew that wasn’t good so I went into the ER to get checked out. The doctor pushed on it alittle then said I had cellulitis but I don’t really trust her diagnosis because from pictures I’ve seen of it they aren’t similar and I had told the ER staff multiple times where it was located on my body and they still diagnosed me with “Cellulitis of the right lower limb” when it is my left. So I don’t really trust her if they got something like that wrong, I plan on making an appointment with my primary on Monday. But I just wanted to see what y’all opinions were and if you have ever had one what it was. The ER did put me on antibiotics that I have been taking I’m suppose to take them for 7 days I’m on day 3 not seeing much improvement. I’m showing you a picture the day I went into the ER (Yellow pants) and then the most recent picture of it today Saturday. Thank you for your time! 💗💗