

I’m 8 months pregnant with my second child and have an appointment with my psychiatrist at the end of July.

Lately, my husband has had to travel for weeks at a time with only a few days home in between. Normally it wouldn’t bother me so much, but with my pregnancy being high risk, we could have this baby pretty much at anytime and there is a good chance he’ll miss the birth. I have had my anxiety medication increased due to the stress plus other added benefits in helping me stay pregnant longer, but I’m beginning to feel extremely depressed and like it would be better for my family if I ran away and never came back. I feel inadequate for my husband and my son and feel like my husband could find a better wife and mother for his children. I know logically that isn’t true, but should I just continue talking about it with my therapist and bring it up at my next psychiatry appointment, or do you think she’d want to see me now to try to get a grasp on the depression before it gets worse?

Please no judgment, I’m already doing it to myself and I just need genuine support right now and not the crap I get when I reach out to friends and family.