
Kelsey • ICU Nurse 👩‍⚕️ Baby Girl: Miss Maggie “Mermaid” 🧜🏻‍♀️🧜🏻‍♀️ 11/24/19

So awhile back I posted about how I found out the gender of my baby girl at a private ultrasound place. While there, the woman doing it had made a comment that my baby’s femur bone was “short”. Afterwards, I got upset because I had googled and found out it was a soft marker for Down Syndrome. (I wouldn’t have cared if my baby had Down Syndrome, but who doesn’t want a perfectly healthy baby?) I got to take home a DVD with pictures on it, I just finally looked at it today. There is an image with all the measurements on it. After doing some research from reputable websites, I discovered that woman was wrong!!! Just so frustrating that she scared me so bad. I just want people to know that you can’t believe everything hear at a private place. She scared me for no reason. From two different websites I found that for my gestational age the baby’s femur should measure 1.5-1.8 cm. Mine was 1.84 🙄

Editing to add: it doesn’t even matter what these measurements are right now either I was 14+6 at this appointment. Measurements done at 20 weeks are more accurate and I have that appointment in a little over 2 weeks.