Help! Baby is finally matching but...


Hi ladies,

I struggled to get my LO to latch from the very beginning of my breastfeeding journey. She had a pretty bad tongue tie and I have flat/inverted nipples. Even after getting the procedure to reverse the tongue tie and using a nipple shield no luck. I decided early to just exclusively pump and bottle feed. I pump 7 times a day 3 hours apart and get anywhere from 48-54 oz per day. Recently I decided to give nursing another shot and what do you know... LO is latching like a pro! The problem is I am struggling to keep up with nursing/pumping and have dropped from 7 pumping sessions a day to about 5. I can’t tell if it’s affected my milk supply or not. Obviously I’m yielding less milk because baby is taking it directly from the boob but I just don’t have the reassurance anymore that she’s getting enough and I’m still making the same amount as I was when I was EP. My goal was to have a 3 month stash frozen away by the time LO reaches 3 months and I go back to work. I’m not sure if I’m messing that up by starting to nurse now. Any advice?