Losing supply overnight


With my first daughter, I started exclusively pumping when she was a few days old. I produced 50+ oz a day until she was 4 weeks old. I had a small decrease about three days before this happened, but still pumped 30-40 oz until she was 4 weeks 1 day old. I literally woke up with nothing that morning after struggling with my night pumping that night. I tried power pumping, supplements, oatmeal, and ultra-hydrating for several days in a row with absolutely no increase in supply. It was just gone. I then started my first post partum period at exactly 5 weeks pp. Could ovulation have halted milk production? Has this happened to anyone else? I’m asking because I’m planning on exclusively pumping our second daughter, and I would like to avoid this, but I don’t know if I can. I was still doing night pumps, and I was trying to stay hydrated, but maybe it wasn’t enough? I haven’t been able to find a huge amount of similar experiences online.