I need some perspective!

To tart I need to say that I’m married and my husband and I have a 9 month old daughter together! Nothing would ever make me leave them! Hubby and I are very comfortable with watching porn together and lately all I’ve wanted to watch is girl on girl. Of course my husband is on board lol but I can’t stop feeling guilty because of my religion. We love going to church and worshiping God but now every time we go I feel like a liar or a hypocrite. I am not homophobic! My brother is gay and I love him very much. We’re actually the closest out of all my siblings. I just don’t know how to identify what I’m feeling! How do I get comfortable with it? Should I discuss it with my husband? Where do I start? Or am I totally over thinking it?

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Some “church people” are so negative and judgmental on these topics. The Bible says something like you shouldn’t judge (idk) but a lot of them are out here doing it. You become a hypocrite once you start judging. As long as you’re not one of those people who are super heavy into church and turn around and say thing like “ all gays are going to hell” “it’s an abomination” or any of the other negative things they say then I think it’s okay to be curious.


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Girl you’re totally fine. The whole point of Jesus dying on the cross was to have your sins forgiven! I’m not Christian anymore but I used to be, and I always understood that God loved me no matter what!