Strep throat


So my babe has had a swollen neck(almost like a little roll) on his neck for the last month or so(swollen lymph nodes I guess). I've taken him to the doctors a few times since because of my worry. Now going back about 6/7 months he had a different pediatrician and she saw he a red throat twice(within about a month span) & told me both times that it would go away on its own. I told her that she had told me that at the previous appointment but still there was nothing. Maybe acid reflux we both thought. Come about a month later his breathing while he was asleep was bothering me. It almost seemed uneasy for him, like any position he slept in was only good but so long before he took a deep breath(sleep apnea-ish). Now fast forward to this past Thursday, we took him back to the doctor since his neck is still swollen(again, for over a month now). I was worried it was anything from him having too much soy in his diet to allergies(food or seasonal) to something I was eating that was affecting him(I'm still breastfeeding him) to too much sodium to a million other possibilities I was trying to figure out. I just got a call today saying he has a little bit of strep throat(not sure what it means to have a little but...) Has anybody gone through anything similar with their little ones? How long can strep throat be around without being detected? I should also mention that he had a very slight fever at his recent appointment and his heart rate was faster than usual. It's been higher then lower than normal and it bothers me not to have all the answers.