Baby #2 so soon 😱


Just found out the day before Father’s Day that Im pregnant with baby #2! My husband and I wanted to wait until our 1st was 1 to start trying again but we (me being impatient) started trying when she turned 9 months and a couple weeks later I was pregnant 😱 I’m kind of nervous because they’ll only be 18 months apart but hopefully when they get a little older it will be fun. I called my OB and they told me my first visit will be July 23rd. That’s still 4 weeks away so I’ll be about 10 weeks, it feels like a lifetime away. I just want to see our new little one ❤️

I’m thinking this was is a boy 🤷🏼‍♀️ I haven’t had any morning sickness (praise the Lord) and when I was pregnant with our baby girl I was sick around the clock. My husband and I are just praying for a healthy baby, but we’ll see if my gut feeling is right or not 👍🏼