Recurrent miscarriage?


We could just be unlucky as we have had 2 miscarriages. 1 missed miscarriage and the other normal. I have no children already and I'm 20 in a month.

I feel like im broken, everyone around me is getting pregnant easily and all said they did without trying or knowing. Some even on the pill. Yet here I am. Getting pregnant doesnt seem to be the hard part... its staying pregnant. Anyone had anything similar and tell me your stories.

They're checking my thyroid levels tomorrow to see if it's high. What else could it be? I dont smoke or drink and dont do any drugs. My fiance has a past of drugs (moslty mdma) but has been clean for 3 years now and also doesnt smoke or drink like me.

We are so lost... at the moment he says I'm baby crazy and that I'm becoming obsessed but I'm frustrated that I cant be a mum despite being pregnant twice now in the space of 10 months.