How strictly vegan are you? NO JUDGEMENT!!!

Poll key:

Level 1 - I knowingly will eat animal products if they are served to me (salad comes sprinkled with a little cheese)/I’ll eat animal products on special occasions (bdays/weddings, etc.)

Level 2 - I will avoid animal products as much as I can, but I’m not gonna ask if the bread I was served at the restaurant has milk in it.

Level 3 - I’m pretty strict. I will double check that everything I eat is vegan.

I’m a new vegan and something I didn’t realize before was that I could ease myself into it. Originally I just set out to stop buying animal products at the grocery store to cut down, but now ive publicly converted and all my friends and family know at this point that I’m vegan and I’ll eat my own meal if they choose to get pizza or something like that. But recently I’ve realized that I probably still consume animal products without knowing it... yesterday I ordered Indian food and it occurred to me that the rice might have been made with butter, and sometimes I wonder if the bread I’m eating has milk or the French fries I eat are made with lard. I try to not to feel bad about it because I’m just not ready to be that strict and ask the waiter/waitress if everything is 100% vegan, and I think I’m ok with that. But I wonder if I can call myself vegan if I’m not THAT strict. What do you think? How “vegan” are you?

Disclaimer!!! The purpose of this poll is not to judge each other, but rather to spread the word that maybe “vegan” can have different meanings/levels of strictness. I’m genuinely curious how strict others are.

Vote below to see results!