Panic disorder and nursing home work


So I have a panic disorder and anxiety disorder. They diagnosed both because I have panic attacks based on events, like my kid gets sick and I think hes dying and freak out, but I also get them out of nowhere.. like I'll just be sitting watching TV or walking down the hall and have one. I just took a job in a nursing home. Most of my anxiety centers around disease and dying, bad idea.. i know. But I've been fine there. Like i just do my job helping the residents and go home and never panic there. But I've had one like every other day since i took this job. Could it be triggering them without me knowing? I just have them out of nowhere at home. Maybe I'm imagining the connection. Anyone working in the medical field with health anxiety? If so, I'd love some input :( obviously I dont want to quit but if it's going to effect me like this I may have to. I have no insurance right now so I can't get any meds