4 weeks.


I took a pregnancy test and it was positive. My heart was so full of excitement and butterflies. We had been trying for months and no luck and it finally happened, So I made an appointment with the doctor and she confirmed . She said I was 4 weeks according to last period and she set an appointment for a ultrasound in a month, So I waited a week to tell my fiancé because he was out of town for work, so when I finally told him he was excited and we both were so happy I cried. But then later that same day I started cramping and bleeding. I called my doctor and they said we will have a nurse call you back . So I anxiously waited and she never called so I called back and the receptionist said I’ll send your message to nurse and finally she called back and said to go in tomorrow morning for blood work . So I did and then I waited again to hear back from them and of course no call. So I bugged them and nurse finally called back and said your blood work came back that your numbers are dropping and it looks like a bad pregnancy sorry. I literally balled my eyes out at work and then on my way home. I couldn’t understand stand what went wrong, I’m still so emotional and hurt. Has this happened to anyone else, any advice you have. I’m scared to try again. I already have a 6 year old. So I don’t know why or how this could have happened.