Looking for a Cycle Buddy 💜☺️

Pam • 👼🏻👼🏻👶🏻🤰🏼

Hey ladies! My name is Pam. I’m 28, living in Alberta, Canada and trying for my rainbow 🌈 My OH and I have been TTC since Jan. 2018 and have had two MMCs; one at 13.5weeks and one at 9.5weeks. I have just finished 4months of unexpected medication (not fertility related) that wasn’t safe to take while TTC. That being said, I was ELATED when my Dr. gave me the green light to ditch the medication and start TTC again two weeks ago. I used to have a 28 day cycle but since my most recent miscarriage, it is now 26/27 days. I have absolutely loved having a cycle buddy in the past, but these lovely ladies have all had their beautiful babies now. I’m hoping to find somebody new who matches up with my cycle so we can continue our journeys together ☺️❤️