Bacterial Vaginosis


Trigger warning

Mention of miscarriage

In Dec 2018 i miscarried at 16 weeks. My doctor ran al the tests he could to see if we could find a reason for it, which of course we didn’t. I did test positive for Bacteria Vaginosis. Online, which I don’t base any medical knowledge on, said it can cause miscarriage and fertility issues. My doctor completely disagrees with this though and doesn’t think it is worth re-testing, that is is more of an annoyance than anything. My husband and I have been trying to get pregnant again for about 3-4 cycles now with nothing.

I’m not asking for any medical advice, but I am curious if anyone has had discussions with their doctor about BV and got a different answer than what I received. I am concerned I still have it based on some symptoms I have had. My doctor offered to re-test and treat if necessary which I plan on doing.

I searched but there are tons and tons of posts regarding BV and I didn’t see any specifically related to my question.

Thank you!