How to stop this ? TMI !

Hey girls.

So my man and I have been together for a year now. We are very passionate about each other and our lovemaking is something out of this world.

I started having a problem 4 months now...

He is my first man and when we started making love for the first time I had no issues.

Well, I’m very very very tight down there and not because I’m not aroused or I’m nervous or I’m not wet.

Trust me ... this man makes me SO wet and so horny every time that I can’t even explain.

He is very big (for me) and very thick.

He ends up ripping me every time... We tried to let it heal fully and then insert it very slowly and make sure it’s fine but then at the end it rips again and again... we tried everything...

it doesn’t bring me discomfort it just kind of hurts and it makes me mad because before I didn’t have that and now my vagina is all sensitive and so easy to rip.

I don’t know what to do...

I circled the spot we tear every time... 😞


Thanks girls !