Need advice

So my boyfriend told me if I didn’t feel comfortable with him hanging out with his female friend that I believe likes him (but hasn’t said anything) that he won’t hang out with her because he can see that going south if they were to hang out alone together.

The thing is I don’t feel right telling him who he can or can’t hang out with because I don’t want to look like a control freak. I didn’t answer his question at all. I honestly don’t want him hanging out with her. I feel like if she even asked him to hang out that he’ll always bring me along. Also feel like her family is would do some shady shit and try to get him to go out with her and dump me. (I keep having dreams of that happening and I’m trying not to think about it at all) even his mom knows this girl likes him.

Should I tell him I don’t want him to hang out with her or let him decide that on his own even though he asked me.

Please send some helpful advice

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