
I know what my head tells me but my heart says something else.

I’ve come back and fourth to the topic constantly because of many reasons.

So my ex has made an “effort” to come back into my life after 5 years of no contact because I was with someone. Now I’m single and just casually dating.

Yes I’ve tried to make things work with my ex but when we get an argument he says really hurtful things that I firmly believe that if you love someone you wouldn’t say things like “I don’t love you anymore” or “your words make you disgusting”

He always says these things through text

He works far away and most of his days off he has to report to his Sargent because is a marine so I hardly see him. When I do see him it’s nice and we get along but when he’s away it’s different. Yeah we get along but it turns into arguments and “this is over” then we don’t talk for a while and tries to come back like nothing happened.

I know men don’t change and I know if a man wants you he will move mountains to be there for you.

I know what I look for in someone but somehow I can’t manage to let him go. As much as I’ve always loved him I can’t keep going through this and I can’t move on and enjoy relationships because he’s always been at the back of my mind. I’m well aware of what this is but why can’t my heart just let go.

I couldn’t get over him so that’s why my last relationship failed.

Any advice?